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This weekend Bill and Maggie are riding 158km (their joint ages) at the Rutland Border Epique with 600 other riders. The course takes them around the lanes, up and down the hills of four Counties: Rutland, Leicestershire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire.

The route is not considered to be an easy one for a single bike and of course will be a real Challenge for two old folks on a tandem (Bills words not mine!).

Why are we taking up the Challenge?

Weston Park Cancer Hospital is very close to both our hearts and we aim to raise as much money as possible for this Very Special and Worthy Charity. The Statistics indicate that currently one in every two people are diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.

With our fundraising, we aim to help Weston Park Cancer Charity continue to be there at every step by providing support, enhancing treatments, and enabling research – providing access to the very latest treatments for people facing cancer.

We therefore hopefully ask all our Families and friends to support us as generously as possible.

To donate to our tandem Challenge, and read our updates, please follow this link:

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4 commentaires

Martin Tansley
Martin Tansley
18 mai 2022

Donation made, good luck to you both, hope you enjoy and raise lots of money.


Bill Cotton
18 mai 2022

Thanks Lisa, Maggie and I are really looking forward to the ride and its great to have the support of our great Club.

Best regards

B & M

Lisa White
Lisa White
18 mai 2022
En réponse à

Wishing you both the best of luck and a safe, happy ride! X


Cheryl Harris
Cheryl Harris
18 mai 2022

Good luck to you both. Xxx

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