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Hi All

You may or may not know that for the past 7 months Matt White and Cat Johnston have been training their little butts off for the Outlaw Full distance triathlon on the 24th July 2022.

A full distance commonly known as an Ironman event consists of

2.4 mile swim

112 mile bike

26.2 mile run

They are both raising money for different charities and I have posted both of the links below.

Having broken my shoulder during training a couple of weeks ago I am obviously no longer taking part and OSB have very kindly deferred my entry to next year!

The event takes place at Holme Pierrepont, National Waters Sports Centre, Nottingham.

I will be there all day on the 24th giving them both my full support, and so, if you find the time from 2pm onwards to come and join me in cheering on our incredible club mates, it would be gratefully appreciated by us all. They should be on the run leg of the course by this time which takes in 3 laps of the lake. So plenty of chances to see them both!

I'm sure you will join me in wishing them both the best of luck!

Matt White

Cat Johnston

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