Hi all - there are a few of us going away for the weekend at the start of October Half Term and weather permitting having a cracking at the Fred Whitton route. We are staying at YHA Grasmere Butharlyp Howe. We will be travelling up to the Lake District on Friday 27th Oct (late afternoon), doing the FW on Saturday 28th and then driving back on Sunday 29th. If the weather is not looking favourable rather than attempt the FW we will do a couple of local rides in the area. I am going to book the Hostel this week so if you fancy it please let me know. Accommodation for two nights will be £80 per person for a shared dormitory. I will also book an evening meal for the Saturday night. Be great to see you there 👍🚲🌞🙏

The heavy hail will break the snow up so no need to panic
See you there make sure it dosnt rain or else
Looks ace but we can’t make it!
Yeah will be up for this book me in and I’ll ping you the Hostel money.